€ 142.500

1570 Galmaarden


  • Ground certificate: yes


  • Sewage: yes
  • Electricity: yes
  • Cable television: yes
  • Gas: yes
  • Water: yes

General Figures

  • Number of floors obligation: 1
  • Lateral space of area to be built 3: 3 m
  • From street of area to be built 2: 5 m
  • Max nr of fronts: 3
  • Height cornice: 6

General Information

  • Ground slope: little slope

Ground details

  • Type of environment: residential area
  • Type of environment 2: countryside
  • Flooding type: not located in flood area
  • Flooding type 2023: Class A (no chance)
  • G-score: A
  • P-score: A

Legal Fields

  • Parcelling permission: yes
  • Purpose of the building: private - single family + office
  • Urbanistic use: rural residential area
  • Type of summons: no legal correction or administrative measure imposed

main features

  • Depth of ground depth & width: 51.79 m
  • Area to be built (surf): 135 m²
  • Width of area to be built: 9 m
  • Depth of area to be built: 15 m
  • Width: 12

Next To

  • Shops: 4200 m
  • Schools: 2100 m
  • Public transports: 550 m
  • Nearest city: 1700 m
  • Highway: 7000 m
  • Railway station: 1500 m

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